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Mamer.jpg (71652 bytes)      Phil & Mody.jpg (86035 bytes)     Philip Jr.jpg (95214 bytes)
         Mamer                         Phil & Mody                   Philip S. Jr.
                                               Gruenberg                     Gruenberg

Rachel.jpg (119657 bytes)     Rachel & Phil Sr.jpg (64357 bytes)     Phil Jr Climbing.jpg (57043 bytes)
        Rachel A.               Phil Sr. & Rachel                 Philip Jr.
                                                                                 (2-Bs = Baby Boy)

Mody with Blue Face 1.jpg (55432 bytes)    Mody with Blue Face 2.jpg (45330 bytes)         Gerry Smiling.jpg (37241 bytes)     Mamer & Andrew.jpg (71736 bytes)   
She thought I wouldn't      Gerry J.             Mamer & Andrew
do it, didn't she.                    Gonzales        (Aren't Grandmothers

                    And by Popular Request ! ! !
                           Andrew Smiling.jpg (80208 bytes)

                Rafe Autie - The newest one ! ! !

Rafe on Back.jpg (56933 bytes)     Rafe with Dad.jpg (53470 bytes)     Rafe close-up.jpg (53301 bytes)  Rafe-4.jpg (62105 bytes)
            Rafe                   Rafe & Dad                   Rafe              22 Sep 99

Rafe Autie: Born -        11 July 99
                    Time -           2:02 P.M. (Corrected from a previous error,
                                                              Thanks Mom)
                    Weight -       8 Lb 3 Oz
                    Length -      20 1/2"
                    Condition -
Healthy with good lungs.

More pictures to follow ! ! !
    If their Mother will sent more photos.